Meditation Guide
Isha Kriya
“Isha” means that which is the source of creation. “Kriya” means an inward action towards that. Isha Kriya is a simple yet powerful tool to move from untruth to truth.”
Rooted in the timeless wisdom of the yogic sciences, Isha Kriya is a simple yet potent process created by Sadhguru. Available for free as a guided meditation with an instructional video and downloadable instructions, or through one of the free immersive workshops conducted globally, it has the potential to transform the life of anyone who is willing to invest just 12 minutes a day.
The purpose of Isha Kriya is to help an individual get in touch with the source of his existence, to create life according to his own wish and vision. Daily practice of Isha Kriya brings health, dynamism, peace and wellbeing. It is a powerful tool to cope with the hectic pace of modern life.
For details on free Isha Kriya workshops conducted locally, or to request a free session at your workplace or community center, please contact:
Available in over 15 languages
One Drop of Spirituality
Today, for most people, the word “yoga” usually conjures up images of twisting their body into impossible postures. The physical aspect of yoga is only one facet of this multi-dimensional science. Yoga is a technology to bring the body and mind to the peak of their capabilities – allowing one to live life to the fullest.
It is the vision of Sadhguru to offer “one drop of spirituality” to every individual. Through the Isha Kriya guided meditation, the possibilities of a spiritual process, which were once available only to yogis and ascetics, are now being offered to every human being in the comfort of their own home.
Chit Shakti
“Once your thought, emotion and energies are organized, your very body will also get organized. Once all these four are organized in one direction, your ability to create and manifest what you want is phenomenal.”
Everything that human beings have created on this planet was essentially first created in our minds. So how we organize and focus our minds will decide the direction our life flows. Using the power of the mind to create what one wants in his life is called Chit Shakti. These four Chit Shakti guided meditations will help you to manifest love, health, peace and success in your life.
Each one of us has desires, our very own list of dreams and longings. Creation may have its own blueprint for us, but our personal desires cannot be easily wished away. They may be extravagant or mundane, ambitious or trivial, they may be inconvenient, they may be too personal to share, but they are ours. And for us, they are real, they are precious, they are urgent and deeply significant.
Here is a rare offering from Sadhguru, a mystic who embodies the wisdom and clarity of profound realization. It is an offering that enables each one of us to become our own alchemist, that empowers us to transform long cherished desires into reality. Sadhguru offers this with the intention that once these desires are fulfilled, we will turn towards the larger goal of our ultimate wellbeing
Chit Shakti Meditations
These are available as downloadable guided meditations. Four different meditations focus on the subject of health, love, peace and success.
Oils & Herbs
Acute Diseases Treatment
This is a basic & acute treatment for Cancer and all other Diseases…
but every person has his own particular scedule…
90 days of a scheduled Fast & Diet program to reset your entire internal body system and to understand our way of treatments you can find all the information on our website and on the internet…
1. Fasting to Regenerate stam cells within your body.
2. Cannabis Oil for the Endo-Cannabinoid System (Electric System)
3. Alkaline Electric Food Diet (Vegetables & Fruit)
4. Water (Alkaline) the only fluid consumption that is allowed in our program..
5. Exercise & Meditation to heal the bloodstream & Chakra energy flows..
6. Magnets (neodymium) to magnetize and harmonize the water molecules.
7. Sound on 432 Hertz and surround your water with it.
Alkaline means ph 7 to ph 10..
- Human blood is regulated at pH 7.35 to 7.45. Levels above 7.45 are referred to as alkalosis and levels below 7.35 as acidosis….
After 3 days of Fasting you will consume only alkaline food such as vegetables, herbs & spices 75% and fruits 25% also for 6 days and then after you’ll be fasting again… (Raw Smoothies)
We continue this cycle of 3 days fasting & 6 days Raw food intake for 90 days…!
Cannabis Oil will be used about 1 gram of pure Cannabis Oil a day from the start till the end of this program..
and in this whole periode of time only (Alkaline) water is allowed…
we have helped many people with their diseases and we can tell you that they are all Healthy people at the moment., but for the people that used the Chemo & Radiation program from the mainstream Doctors & Farmaceutical Industry….,
they’re no longer with us anymore… may all their souls rest in peace…
For more information or consult please send us a message here below and for instantly acute help message us here down below
- Introduction
In the year 2009 Satoshi Nakamoto introduced Bitcoin as a new digital currency that is secured by encrypted signatures, decentralized and anonymous. It would ensure fast transactions, world width at very low fees, creating a competitive crypto currency system compared to centralized banking systems.
After eight years we can evaluate the long-term implications Bitcoin’s design has in practical use and derive the imperfections from it to determine what is necessary to redefine the fundamental needs to create the perfect Crypto Currency.
We will define the solutions for every imperfection we’ll find and in this manner create PTTP CRYPTO (PTTP) from scratch to suggest it to the Ecosystem as a new big player in the Crypto Currency world.
- Preconditions
A crypto currency should respect certain conditions which defines the necessity and therefore right of its existence. To determine these conditions we need to look at the ideas that originally have created the existence of Bitcoin.
The problem the banking systems face can be found in numerous observations:
- Security. Your crypto currency is protected by your identity. Anyone who gains access to your personal data can access your bank-account.
- Speed. Bank systems have a delay sending crypto currency between each others, controlled by a correspondent banking system, like for international transactions, SWIFT. Especially in weekends this can be a bother.
- Trust. Banks are their own entities, which you lend your crypto currency to reclaim it, but the banks actually own your crypto currency and can relent it, invest it, or choose to do with it as they please, creating an insecure system where you are dependent of the acting of the participants of the banking system, which can be quite insane watching the movie ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’.
- Costs. Bank transfers, especially through credit cards, are quite expensive. You even pay for depositing fiat crypto currency to make it digital. You pay for your card, and you pay for your account.
So our new Crypto should respect the facts that it satisfies the conditions to be secure, fast, and trustworthy and make transactions possible at very low costs. We cannot escape the fact that all transactions should somehow be collected into a ledger, which should be protected at such a way that not a single bit in this ledger ever may be changed to keep it valid.
We will now look at the original design and at each point determine if the practical outcome meets the given standards of the principles our new Crypto Currency should comply to.
- Evaluation
At the base the original design of crypto currency is very secure. There are multiple levels of insurance, considering the ledger, transactions and ownership. Data is secured by hashing it under the SHA256 algorithm twice, avoiding rainbow table attacks, and which also forms a searchable ID to find the transaction in the ledger. The ledger consists of blocks of transactions; each pointing to the previous one, keeping a consistent chain of validated data, the transactions in a block is signed using Merkle trees to ensure they are original, validated and unmodified in the block. The ownership of claimed crypto currency is checked by the Elliptic Curve algorithm Secp256k1 which creates unique digital signatures out of a private key which can be validated with a public key but there is no way to create a signature without the private key. The public keys form wallets-addresses which are used as bank-accounts to claim outstanding (unclaimed) crypto currency.
In the original design we have miners and nodes connected in a distributed core-system keeping an individual copy of the ledger and verifying the ledger is correct by taking the longest block chain in time. This design made it necessary to make it unlikely to add blocks at the same time. To establish the goal of dividing blocks in time, a mathematical challenge was invented which must be solved to add the block to a ledger. If a miner solves this problem, the block will be added to the block chain and the miner is rewarded by newly created coins, which brings the supply of the coin into existence. By adjusting the difficulty in time Satoshi could guarantee every node in the system would eventually receive a block in a predetermined averaged interval. In the case two chains were formed, the longest would eventually win, and every transaction in so called Orphan blocks would be refilled into the outstanding transactions. The miners collect and verify transactions to fill a block which they generate and sign, then this block is distributed in the core-network and everyone is trying to solve the mining-process which consists of adding some data, called a nonce, to make the hash begin with a certain amount of zeros.
4. Analytics
Although the current block chain technology is well protected we have to look at the lowest level possible to find its imperfections. When we search for a certain transaction, it is stored in a block, so we have to search the block for the transaction, which is speeded up by using Merkle trees. After this we can validate a transaction is valid. To create a transaction we will have to compare which transactions contain unspent crypto currency, these are part of transactions in the blocks that contain the wallet of the receiver, and the valid signature of the sender which have no following block in the ledger, where the receiver has, at his turn, has spent this crypto currency. Likewise we have to walk through the whole ledger from the beginning to see if crypto currency is spendable or not, which takes up a really long time if not implemented wisely. In most crypto currency implementations the wallet-software calls a known API dedicated to provide spendable blocks to create a transaction.
To avoid inflation, Satoshi reasoned that there only could be a finite amount of Bitcoin. Since the miners create the crypto currency out of nothing by creating and validating the block chain, the miners receive less and less reward in time. The specifics can be found here:
Now the problem arises that it takes up a lot of effort and therefore energy (electric power) to earn newly created Bitcoin, and the consequence may be people stop mining. The solution the core-developers suggested is that transactions have to pay more fees to the miners, who collect the transactions in the first place, making it an actual problem some transactions are delayed a long time before being integrated into the block chain. This has the implicit danger of raising the fees on a transaction before even being considered to be integrated into the block chain. Another problem is a block is limited to 1 Megabytes of data, so if the miners are limited in time to be able to solve blocks to add them to the ledger, there may be more blocks then there could be mined in time, delaying transactions. To verify a miner has mined a valid block, it has to wait 100 blocks to be added to the block chain to spend their earned crypto currency.
Since Bitcoin is a minable coin, more and more people started to mine, and where you used to be able to mine with CPU and GPU, now you can only effectively mine with dedicated hardware devices called ASIC. A few companies, especially based in China, have built such large mining farms of ASIC devices; they actually control the creation of blocks into the system. This give them an advantage over the future developments of Bitcoin, which have already lead to many hard-forks like B2X, BCH and BTG, in which case a part of the network developers insisted that Bitcoin should stay decentralized at its principle values, and speed up transactions under lower fees, therefore decided to split up from the centralized core.
- Conciliation
To solve the defined imperfections current Crypto Currency faces we must not be afraid to redefine the fundamental base of which it’s consist.
- A transaction is a transfer of spendable crypto currency sent to a wallet that is property of anyone who has access to it by signing it with their private key. The recipient can spend the crypto currency, which corresponds to its wallet, by claiming it, through singing it with its private key. Anyone can verify this transaction by verifying the signature corresponds to the public key and wallet that has spent the crypto currency.
- A ledger is a collection of transactions validated by a hashing verification and signed by the spender.
- A miner creates new (called coinbase) crypto currency to add to the circulation supply by verifying mathematical problems biased on a certain time-interval.
- The system at any point has to validate the transactions are valid and are not already spent on the ledger, and does not invalidate pending transactions. Illegal transactions should be ignored and deleted.
- Fees must be low, always, to buy anything without extra costs.
- The time it costs for transactions to be included in the ledger must be as short as possible. This determines the time the receiver can spend the crypto currency again. Also miners should be able to spend their deserved coinbase crypto currency as quick as possible.
- The core network is a decentralized collection of interconnected nodes, validating the ledger’s accuracy, where every node should have the same abilities as any other in the whole network, making it impossible for anyone to gain power over the whole.
- Every node should be able to individually act as an API for wallet-applications that want to create a transaction and send it. The node should respond with appropriate information.
- Inspiration
A transaction basically consists of a collection of spendable blocks, that are gathered together, validating they come from the same wallet that spent the crypto currency, signed by the owner of this wallet, to give to wallets, connected to public keys, who can claim this crypto currency again by signing it through their public and private keys. To validate a transaction we need to make sure the wallets are corresponding with the signing public key, the signature and the amount spent. To create a transaction we have to find all spendable blocks corresponding to a wallet and see if the amount spendable is enough for the transaction to be created.
The ledger can connect these transactions at any manner, as long as all decentralized nodes agree on the order. So we need to build in a security that guarantees the order in which transactions will appear in the ledger, and exclude any disconsent of cores to a consensus the absolute majority of nodes have agreed upon.
We absolutely must ensure we use the finest, best, fastest encryption possible keeping an eye on Moore’s law, hackers and all development in the future.
Since a miner’s basic function is to create new coinbase crypto currency in time, the question arises if the core-nodes or the miners should validate and collect transactions into blocks, or even use a block chain to collect transactions, or just add transaction to a ledger. The function of nodes and miners may be redesigned from scratch.
Since at any point the actual process that writes data into the ledger, it would be a wise choice to let the core-nodes validate the transactions, raising the questions why miners should too, since their main goal is to create coinbase coins.
Every node in the network should have the exact possibilities of any other node in the network, there must never be a main node controlling other nodes.
No application, we call a leaf, like a wallet, may ever control a node. Should miners control a node?
Core-nodes are able to keep a list of transactions that are not yet added to the ledger, but can validate that they will be at some point in time by comparing these ‘pending transactions’ to the list of to be processed transactions. This makes it possible to have very quick conformations in stores when buying your bread, where the store-holder is secured it will receive its crypto currency to spend again very quickly.
When somebody wants to make a transaction it should be very easy to contact the FCC-network and get the necessary information to create and verify a transaction. This never should be done by a centralized API, but every node in the core-network should be able make a transaction by exploring the ledger to search for spendable blocks corresponding to the spending wallet of the transaction.
When the supply of the coin is limited, the miners will no longer be interested in mining the coin; therefore the fees of the transactions must rise to provide miners their rewards. This is in contrast to our principle goal, so there must be an unlimited amount of coins to be mined, to control this, the difficulty of the to be mined problem must vary, to stay in synchronization with the amount of coins we want to create, which should be rather little then more, to not overflow demand in time and in time keep the value of FCC stable.
The processes which actually validate the transactions should be rewarded for it. This should be a very quick process.
- Creation
The main problem that can be deduced is that although it takes some time to find a transaction to be validated, because they are collected in blocks, it takes a hell of a time to find all spendable blocks a wallet may claim. Since the ledger is huge and only huge databases determine such answers quickly, most wallets use an API to generate their spendable blocks. Our design asks for a system where any node can perform this task.
The only way to solve this is to split the spendable blocks into separate entities we can mark as being spent or spendable. By doing this we separate the not-spendable blocks, we can use to identify the spendable blocks, so we call these Ident-blocks, which can be input-blocks for transactions, or coinbase blocks. Also form a logical base for the genesis block to initiate the whole system.
Since miners are mining hashes at very high electric costs, and we want to give them a meaningful task, it would be advisable to derive the miners of the task of validating and collecting transactions into blocks and give this role to the nodes, where the main task of miners will be to create new FCC-coins by calculating random given problems to solve, which can actually benefit fields of research.
Since nodes now fulfill the task of keeping the ledger intact and validating the transaction, it’s fair to give everybody who is running a node, a share of all profit, which is translated into fees which everybody must pay to make a transaction. This guarantees the network is always alive and decentralized, because there will always be running nodes wanting to earn some crypto currency, just like miners will always want to earn coinbase FCC.
Since we want the transactions to be cheap we must allow a minimum fee of 0.5% and you should never have to pay a higher fee. Why higher fees are possible is very simple, the core-network will earn more crypto currency, which pleases the whole network, which will protect your crypto currency and allow it to be transferred very quickly, but also a higher fee means your transaction will be added to the ledger more quickly, enabling the receiver to verify that they can spend your spent crypto currency, building more trust between you as sender of the crypto currency and the receiver of the crypto currency, so trust is worth the value of the fee.
*** under construction *** |
PTTP Crypto CurrencyAbout
Development |
and much more to come….
Timeline 2017 – 2018
September 2017 | Finished blueprints and wallet creation.![]() |
October 2017 | Finished ledger and transactions, building website.![]() |
November 2017 | Finishing nodes, voting and mining system.![]() |
December 2017 | Finishing the core network and mining system, having a cold, watching a movie, happy XMAS everybody.![]() |
January 2018 | Releasing the untamed beauty, creating some market cap.![]() |
February 2018 | PTTP ICO Release and taming the horse by practical testing.![]() |
March 2018 | Setting up the PTTP Coinbase System.![]() |
April 2018 | Finishing the PTTP Coinbase System and Setting up the PTTP CRYPTO WEBPAGE ON PTTP NEDERLAND WEBSITE.![]() |
May 2018 | Finishing the PTTP CRYPTO Website and Taming the horse by setting it free. |
June 2018 | Watching the horse pull the wagon. |
The new roadmap 2018-2019 is coming soon…!
is a totally new designed Crypto Currency allowing people to anonymously transfer money around the world very fast. In stead of using a Blockchain, PTTP CRYPTO uses a ledger controlled on a consensus by a voting system between globally distributed connected nodes in a network of computers. PTTP CRYPTO uses an algorithm based upon a very smart implementation of an original invention by Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman which evolved into Elliptic Curve Cryptography. After a hack concerning Sony Playstation III the need for a new algorithm arised, and was developed under the name Ed25519 which PTTP CRYPTO uses to protect your money.
Where crypto guarantees an extremely safe system where your money is protected, it is not automatically protected against hackers attacks.
The problem is that you can claim your money twice, or many times over, which in a distributed network would allow you to double spend your money, which would crash the crypto coin. To overcome this problem a system called ‘Proof of Work’ (POW) is introduced to slow down time and separate validations.
The original idea created by Satoshi Nakamoto solved this problem by introducing a blockchain. The idea is to create some chaos where miners fight among each others to solve mathematical problems, so the order of solutions will divide in time. All transactions collected together in blocks will then be validated and a chain of blocks will form. The solution Satoshi Nakamoto chose was to always let the largest blockchain be the most valid one, which creates a validation period you have to wait, to be sure the transaction is on a valid blockchain. This allows for a Hard Fork or Soft Fork to occur, as well as Orphan Blocks. The idea is that you have to gain 51% of the power of the network to take over the blockchain, which turned out to be untrue with the coming of Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and Segwit2x (B2X) where a group of developers decided to split up. Another disadvantage is the miners collect the transactions in a block, which can delay certain transactions for a very long time (many days). PTTP CRYPTO can split up indefinitely but will always guarantee your money is safe on the original nodes, as long as people keep running them. Even if the whole network goes down, we could start it up again and everybody automatically will have their money back.
In stead of choosing a blockchain, PTTP CRYPTO has only one ledger. To accomplish this it will replace the principle of the largest blockchain to a voting system on a consensus, just like IRL human voting systems, we just all agree. A great aspect of this new design is that we don’t need miners or a POW-system to guarantee nobody can double spend, or flood the system. Also there are no orphan-blocks, so every transaction is immediately validated.
In PTTP CRYPTO every node will collect all views of everybody connected and vote on whatever the majority says. When there are two winners, a node will randomly choose a winner. Every node will ensure a transaction is valid. When a consensus is not met, no decision will be made. only when the whole network reaches a consensus a decision is made. Nodes that consistently don’t agree will get a vote to be removed, creating a consensus among all nodes, in voting-rounds.
The ledger of PTTP CRYPTO is a collection of transactions each pointing to the previous forming a chain which always can be validated. Transactions are not like normal bank transactions. In Crypto you only give the opportunity to claim money. This is done by creating a Wallet. A wallet consists of a public key controlled by a private key, you absolutely must keep secret. The beauty of crypto is, that after somebody offered you money through your public key, you can sign this with your private key which anybody can verify. There is no way to derive the private key, or a signature from the public key, or create a signature without the private key, but everybody can still verify the signature matches the public key! Your credit is determined by accumulating all unclaimed money sent to your wallet.
There are two ways to earn money with PTTP CRYPTO. The first way is to run a node on your computer or server, the second method is to mine to be newly created PTTP CRYPTOthrough a miner which is connected to the core-network (all connected nodes).
On every transaction made on the PTTP CRYPTO-network a fee must be payed by the sender. The minimum fee is 0,01% of the amount transferred. The higher the fee, the faster the network will process the transaction. All fees will be collected and payed out to all nodes that helped validate the transactions, and will not go to miners opposed to for example BitCoin. So by just running a node you will get payed a part of all fees.
With time the demand for new PTTP CRYPTO will grow. To prevent inflation the flow of newly to be created PTTP CRYPTO will be constant. Every 5 minutes a block of 10 PTTP CRYPTO, called a coinbase-block, will be created by the core, which can be mined solving mathematical problems. The most innovative aspect of the design of PTTP CRYPTO is that no computer power is wasted on calculating hashes which must start with a certain number of zero’s (like most crypto mining systems), but rather it can have any useful purpose, like folding molecules to cure Sicknesses, discovering astral life with SETI, or rendering video. Imagine all computer power wasted on crypto coins at the moment, to be used for good causes in the near future!
To initiate the mining system we have used the problem of solving the order of a factorial distribution containing different symbols (A,B,C,…), hence the name ‘PTTP CRYPTO‘.
The first miner who comes up with the solution to a given challenge at a given difficulty will receive 10 PTTP CRYPTO. The difficulty will change depending on the amount of time it took to solve the problem (the computer power of all miners), so it will always be around 5 minutes.
This all means.,
that the people are the owners of the nodes and with the implementation of an universal principle the people would be also the heart of this what we called the “Peoples Monetary System”…,
its a new way of life built on sacred universal principles..
One Love…
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